To A
Well-Behaved Mormon Woman: I really
wanted to post a comment on your blog about your impressions of the Disney
movie Frozen, in Frozen:
Not Gonna "Let it Go"... and also in Frozen:
My response to Outrageous Reactions...
but you closed out the comments, I don’t blame you. After the onslaught
of responses, some so tasteless and rude they are not worth the bit space they
take up on your blog, but it was their entitled opinion, as was yours and your
impressions of the movie.
The social online forum has opened up a means for
all kinds of engaging conversation and while I think it takes a great deal of
personal fortitude to Testify as you do in your blog and profile, it also opens
an avenue for those that respond anonymously with false bravado and
self-righteous scorn.
Maybe the vitriol came from what some people may
have perceived in your post as an attack on Disney. I know some folks who actually
have an odd reverential devotion to all things Disney. I am not one of them, although I do like the
entertainment of the classic animation and catchy theme music, and that is
where I wish to add my two cents.
Like you, I am a Grandmother and enjoy an
entertaining movie with my Grands, ONCE, in one sitting. If I sat through three
screenings of the same movie, like you did, I think maybe I’d begin to sense
some subversive subliminal message too. Personally, I don’t want to think too
hard about “messages” when at the movies, especially with the kiddies. Trying
to minimize bathroom trips takes enough energy.
One of the reasons movie theaters are darkened is
the expectation to help the brain temporarily suspend reality, reduce
distractions and be entertained. At least that is my expectation, especially
after I shell out sometimes close to $50 by time I’ve purchased tickets,
popcorn and whatever else the little “grands” think they just have to have before the movie begins. We
are there to be entertained and leave the realities of life outside for a
couple hours. That is not so say we don’t talk about what we just saw in a
movie, but I don’t dissect it.
It’s not my intention to minimalize you impressions.
Clearly, you felt strongly about what you sensed and as I read through your
blog, I understand. Your faith is strong and confident in unchanging moral
absolutes, as you state in your testimony.
To be clear, I hold much more liberal views than
you, but when I found your first post on the movie, I thought it was
entertaining, although I do not agree with you that there is a hidden agenda
within the movie plot. I was genuinely surprised at the polar opposites of
opinions in response to your observations. I mean, really?!? It’s an animated movie based on a Hans Christian Anderson
fairy tale, with carefully crafted characterizations in the animation. I think
anything subliminal about it would be the universally pleasing countenance of
all the characters, even the trolls are not very troll-like along with
deliberate color combinations that every child and fan would recognize next year
as potential Halloween costumes or Christmas gifts. Disney is that
deliberate. But unless a child is directed
to a certain line of thought, I hardly believe my 7 year old, 16 year old or 17
year old grandchild would make the assumption that “Let it Go” is an
allegorical performance expressing sexuality. Actually the 7 year old was
struck by Elsa’s inner determination to accept her individuality, take
ownership of her gifts and powers and most importantly understand the
importance of her family. That particular 7 year old is pretty spirited herself, maybe she can relate.
I hope the next movie you see with your grandchildren
is thoroughly enjoyed in a single viewing. Enjoy the show. Let them entertain